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Julie Duval

fRI Research
Job Title
GIS Program Lead


Research areas include GIS analysis, process customizations through python programming, and database design and management. Julie has a background in engineering and GIS. She is currently registered as a GIS Professional (GISP), and a Certified ArcGIS Desktop Professional. Julie has been with fRI Research since 1998.

Program & Project Involvement

GIS Program

GIS Program

The GIS program provides an exceptional level of GIS and data management support services for fRI Research.

Grizzly Bear Research Database

Grizzly Bear Research Database

The GIS Program is centralizing and maintaining the Grizzly Bear Program's massive spatial database.

GeoConnections FRImap

GeoConnections FRImap

This was a product for exploring west-central Alberta. The platform that it used was deprecated.

Linkages between forestry practices, ungulate abundance, and the habitat use and performance of grizzly bear in and adjacent to woodland caribou habitat

Linkages between forestry practices, ungulate abundance, and the habitat use and performance of grizzly bear in and adjacent to woodland caribou habitat

This project will improve our understanding of how forestry practice is affecting ungulates and how grizzly bears are responding.

Can forestry and silviculture practices help increase caribou functional habitat in west-central Alberta?

Can forestry and silviculture practices help increase caribou functional habitat in west-central Alberta?

This project will evaluate and mitigate industrial impacts on west-central Alberta Caribou herds.

Identifying High Residency Habitat and Functional Movement Paths for Caribou in West-Central Alberta

Identifying High Residency Habitat and Functional Movement Paths for Caribou in West-Central Alberta

Locating habitat and prioritizing restoration in west-central Alberta.

Dynamic Regeneration of Grizzly Bear Food Model

Dynamic Regeneration of Grizzly Bear Food Model

This is a GIS tool developed by the fRI Research Grizzly Bear Program that regenerates the spatial grizzly bear food models developed by Dr. Scott Nielsen.

Research and applied tools to enhance forest management linkages to Grizzly Bear conservation and recovery in Alberta

Research and applied tools to enhance forest management linkages to Grizzly Bear conservation and recovery in Alberta

This project will use new and existing data sets to produce tools for use in forest management planning related to grizzly bear and caribou habitat use.

Data Management and Innovative Support for Long-term Watershed Research: The Walt Jeffrey Project

Data Management and Innovative Support for Long-term Watershed Research: The Walt Jeffrey Project

Named in honor of the "father of forest hydrology in Western Canada," this project seeks to capture the value of long-term research and data sets.

Grizzly Bears and Pipelines: Response to Unique Linear Features

Grizzly Bears and Pipelines: Response to Unique Linear Features

This project will assist the oil and gas industry and land managers to better understanding the response of grizzly bears to pipelines.

Northern Rockies Highway Guide and Ecotour

Northern Rockies Highway Guide and Ecotour

Explore hundreds of historic points in Jasper National Park and the foothills.

A Logging History of the Whirlpool Valley, Jasper National Park

A Logging History of the Whirlpool Valley, Jasper National Park

The Forest History Program explores an overgrown, but not forgotten, episode in forestry.

Collecting Scat with Citizen Science to Monitor Grizzly Bear Populations

Collecting Scat with Citizen Science to Monitor Grizzly Bear Populations

Collecting the DNA from scat is a non-invasive method of tracking grizzly bear populations.

Response of threatened species to linear features and landscape change in a managed forest ecosystem in West Central Alberta

Response of threatened species to linear features and landscape change in a managed forest ecosystem in West Central Alberta

How are caribou affected by the roads and seismic lines criss-crossing their habitat?

The Columbia Trail

The Columbia Trail

Uncovering a piece of history.

Establishment of PSP Network to Monitor Stand Dynamics and Establish Yield Curves for Stands Killed by MPB

Establishment of PSP Network to Monitor Stand Dynamics and Establish Yield Curves for Stands Killed by MPB

As a result of significant in-flights of mountain pine beetles coming from British Columbia in 2006 and 2009, as well as subsequent local production, there are widely distributed pine dominated stands throughout Alberta that have been significantly affected by MPB-caused mortality.

Data Management

Data Management

The GIS Program provides the necessary supports and best practices for data management at fRI Research. This includes the coordination and standardization of data, applications and products.

Developing Tools to Support World-Class Science

Developing Tools to Support World-Class Science

The GIS Program provides support to fRI Research to help build tools, workflows, visualizations and datasets that respond to partners’ needs.